Well, it seems like our cousins to the South have decided that “Gender Reveal” parties (whatever that means) are more important than the wellbeing of not only their own countrymen, but all of us poor schmucks up here north of the 49th as well . Before you begin to turn to typing comments such as “lower Vancouver Island is further south than that”, I know & I’m just keeping it simple.

I swear to god for the last 4 days we have been enduring horrific air quality and very limited visibility. The smoke from the massive forrest fires in California, Oregon and Washington have blown north and we are in it big time. I am not kidding when I say I had to go to Google this morning to search what a gender reveal party is. When I sat back to watch several videos of these shenanigans on CNN, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Who am I kidding, this should not come as a surprise. Orange Man Bad is the President and QAnon is a thing.

I have watched a man do donuts on a quad bike that was pumping baby blue exhaust smoke into the air. I have watched a man force a balloon into an alligators mouth so as to pop it revealing pink confetti. I have watched a man announce the birth of his daughter with a shot gun loaded with pink paint cartridges. I understand the cause of the worst fire in California currently was a man (presumably named Cletus) lighting off pyrotechnics into a dry canyon. No big deal, just horrific death and destruction because “Karen” told him to. On the bright side the hundreds of prison inmates sprung to fight these fires have all been promised early parole for their efforts (if they live).

This morning I grabbed my Covid / Smoke mask and went out to see what I could see. Spoiler alert, I could see f#*k all! Anyway, here are a few shots from todays adventure along the coast. Try to keep in mind that when they aren’t causing massive forrest fires down south I can actually see for a very long way in all directions. Meanwhile, north of the border the last image in this series will illustrate what we think about clearcutting old growth forrest. If we cut them all down, what are our cousins to the South going to buy from us when their government decides to stop imposing softwood lumber tariffs. As time marches on, I am becoming more and more of a religious man. I know this because at least 3 times a day I utter the words “please god make it stop”.




